
My name is James Everly. I am not a doctor, and I am not a Bible scholar, but I am passionate about good health, and I believe that a person’s faith in God has the power to transform any aspect of life.

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I have seen this power at work in my own life. I have struggled for years with being overweight, not exercising enough, and eating poorly. I didn’t sleep well, and have suffered from chronic stress and headaches. I felt terrible, and I knew that I was not living a healthy lifestyle. But I still was not able to make even basic improvements. I tried countless diets, gym memberships, New Year’s resolutions, and sheer willpower, all with no success.

It was only when I began praying to God to help me in these efforts that they began to work. I had been overlooking the most fundamental part of good health all along – I hadn’t fully understood how important faith is to your physical health. That realization allowed me – finally – to start eating better, exercising, living better, and losing weight, without any of the and frustration that I had experienced before.

I started this writing project as a whim. I was so excited finally to be making some real and lasting progress toward better health that I wanted to share the experience with others. At first, I only planned to write a few short inspirational emails to send to friends who I thought would enjoy and benefit from them. But as I started writing, the pieces grew longer and longer, and each topic I wrote about led to another. I showed some of the work to friends, who encouraged me to start this website. That is how HealthThroughPrayer.com was born.

Again, I have no medical or religious training or expertise. All of the information here is taken from the Bible and from publicly available sources. I have tried to bring together a broad array of health-related information and to put it together in a logical manner that is accessible, useful, and easy to understand. And I truly hope that you find it as valuable to read as I have to write.

UPDATE and Shameless Plug: I am happy to provide all of the information on this site for free – I love the thought that it might do some good. If you have found this work valuable, however, and if you are so inclined, I would be deeply grateful for your support. You could contribute in a couple of ways:

Spread the word. Please recommend the site to any friends or family members that you think might enjoy and benefit from the site. If you have your own website, I’d love a link and positive mention.

Buy the book. I recently expanded and adapted the writing from this site into a short paperback book, which you can learn more about here. Please consider buying a copy for yourself (it also has some additional information not found here on the site) or as a gift.

Many thanks!